Reddit is disappointed in Alia Bhatt after her latest appearance at an event in Mumbai on Tuesday. Alia, who is the global brand ambassador for Gucci, attended an event for the brand with other Bollywood stars. However, what upset Redditors was the handbag that she chose to carry. (Also read: Alia Bhatt, Rakul Preet Singh, Athiya Shetty, Ahan Shetty, Vijay Varma stun in black at Mumbai event. See pics)
The controversial leather bag
Reddit user Fine_Farm_8583 did some internet sleuthing and found out that the black bag that Alia carried was an $2800 ‘calf’ leather bag. They also attached a Google search result for ‘calf skin’ which mentioned that it is sourced from cows as young as three years old. The titled their post, ‘Poacher producer Alia Bhatt promoting Calf Leather Bag.’ However, the website ‘Net-a-Porter’ mentions that it is calf leather while the original listing on Gucci simply mentions ‘black leather.’
Poacher is a recent Amazon Prime Video series that Alia backed as a producer. It tells the story of illegal ivory smuggling and how it harms elephants.
Reddit calls Alia a ‘hypocrite’
Comments on Reddit were not kind. Alia was called a ‘hypocrite’ for posing with leather bags after regularly speaking about animal welfare. “The least she could have done is not carry a calf leather bag less than two weeks after promoting the movie. Before people come at me, yes, I’m aware that Gucci provides her with a certain number of options to choose from, and they might not have provided her with any non-leather bags. However, she’s Alia Bhatt, not an influencer that does not have the ability to refuse/demand other options. I know that she gets a lot of unnecessary hate but like… she also does dumb things like this on the regular,” read a comment. “This could have been avoided by NOT carrying that bag. At least not in public. Be a hypocrite like everyone else, but at least be smart enough to do it behind the camera,” wrote another.
“Lmao, rich people and hypocrisy is a match made in heaven,” commented another. “This needs to be amplified louder. I am sick of celebrities and their hypocrisy. On one hand, she runs co-exist and produces Poacher. And will proudly flaunt these as clout to get awards. On the other hand, she is using calf leather. Not using but PROMOTING! I am done with these celebs and their ‘activism’,” wrote another.
At the trailer launch event for Poacher last month, Alia had said about the series, “It really leaves an impact… Supporting a story like this, for us, as an audience is very important but I really thank Richie (Mehta, director) for putting this together… I think there is a lot of genuineness in it. There is a lot of heart in it and it comes across when you see the show.”
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