The radiant couple, Rakul and Jackky, took to Instagram to share moments from their Haldi ceremony, capturing the essence of love and laughter amidst vibrant hues. Rakul, adorned in a resplendent ensemble from Papa Don’t Preach by Shubhika, exuded bohemian charm and vivacity. Expressing her gratitude, Rakul captioned the post, “Love and laughter #haldi. Thank you @papadontpreachbyshubhika for getting the vibe bang on…love the colours…thank you @shantanunikhil for always getting it right.” Meanwhile, celebrity stylist Ami Patel lauded the ensemble, highlighting its reflection of joy, fun, and the spirited essence of the occasion.
Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani radiate joy in candid shots from their lively Haldi ceremony!
The captivating lehenga ensemble from Papa Don’t Preach by Shubhika was a stunning fusion of traditional aesthetics and contemporary flair, boasting a kaleidoscope of enchanting shades including purple, blue, red, green, and mauve. Rakul’s attire featured a chic cropped blouse adorned with intricate floral applique embroidery, vibrant mirror embellishments, and a flattering silhouette. The complementing lehenga skirt dazzled with embellished gold motifs, intricate sequin work, and layered A-line detailing, adding a touch of regal elegance to her look.
To accentuate her vibrant ensemble, Rakul adorned herself with exquisite Bohemian floral jewelry, including delicate silver and gold flower-shaped earrings, bracelets, and statement rings. Her makeup exuded a subtle yet radiant allure, with darkened brows, glossy berry-toned lips, and a hint of smoky eyeshadow, enhancing her natural beauty. Completing her look with a chic half-up, half-down hairstyle adorned with soft curls and a crown braid, Rakul epitomized bridal elegance and grace at her Haldi ceremony.
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