Priyanka Chopra’s body is ‘giving’ fit, toned, and swoon-worthy as the actor dropped a mirror selfie on Instagram. Priyanka showed off her enviable frame in what looks like a post-workout picture and served some midweek exercise motivation for all her followers. The star revealed she is finally getting back to ‘work energy’ in the caption of her post. Scroll down to see Priyanka’s photo and steal some inspiration to get back in shape or lose those extra calories.
Priyanka Chopra shares post-workout mirror selfie
Priyanka Chopra posted the mirror selfie on Instagram with the caption, “It’s giving…finally going back to work energy [tongue out emoji].” The picture shows Priyanka standing in front of her bathroom mirror. The actor wore a dark grey sports bra and cycling shorts for the selfie. While the top features a super cropped hem showing off her toned abs, a plunging U neckline, shoulder straps, and a fitted silhouette, the shorts have a high-rise waist, short hem length, and a bodycon fitting hugging her svelte frame. She completed the workout look with a makeup-free glowing face, a messy top knot, and nude pink manicured nails.
Fan pages reposted Priyanka‘s selfie and showered the actor with compliments. One fan wrote, “Go get ’em Priyanka! So looking forward to your next project.” Another commented, “Go Boss Lady!!! Go!!! [muscle flex emoji].” A user wrote, “Finally! Cannot wait to see her back on sets.” A few others posted fire and heart emojis to cheer for the actor.
How to get toned abs?
While there are many ways to target your ab muscles, there are exercises that help tone your abs. You can start with exercises such as planks, squats, and crunches. Make sure to warm up with at least 5 minutes of cardio before doing these exercises so you don’t strain your muscles. However, your progress depends on your current body weight, genetics and approaches to nutrition and exercise. One should also contact a health professional to seek advice.
About Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka is married to Nick Jonas. The couple tied the knot in a grand wedding in 2018. They welcomed their daughter, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, via surrogate on January 15, 2022.
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