
In the age of junk food, burgers, pizza, and cookies have become a staple food for many children which as per experts is increasing risk of obesity and other chronic diseases in them. The processed eatables available in fast food outlets are high in unhealthy fats, sugar and sodium and when consumed regularly they can increase risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in young ones. With empty calories and excess calories, no wonder, they are wreaking havoc with children’s overall health and well-being. The poor dietary choices can affect quality of life as they grow old causing many long-term health problems. (Also read | Ancient Wisdom Part 35: How to eat Kodo millets for weight loss, lowering cholesterol; know all benefits)

To prevent children from the ill effects of fast food, one can introduce healthy ingredients in the kitchens with sufficient fibre, micronutrients and protein.(Pinterest)
To prevent children from the ill effects of fast food, one can introduce healthy ingredients in the kitchens with sufficient fibre, micronutrients and protein.(Pinterest)

To prevent children from the ill effects of fast food, one can introduce healthy ingredients in the kitchens with sufficient fibre, micronutrients and protein. Millets, the powerhouse of nutrients are gaining popularity among health conscious individuals, and they can indeed help prevent many of the chronic diseases that are prevalent nowadays.

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Ramya B, M.sc, Executive Nutritionist, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, Chennai, OMR Branch shares healthy millet recipes for your kids that can transform their health.



Pearl millet/bajra flour – 2 cups

Homemade mozzarella cheese – ½ cup

Onion slices – 1no.

Capsicum slices – 1no.

Tomatoes – 1no.

Chilli flakes – 1 tsp

Oregano- 1tsp

Salt- as per taste


  • In a bowl add pearl millet flour, hot water, and salt. Mix them well and knead them into dough.
  • Roll them into a thin crust base using a rolling pin.
  • In a hot pan brush it with oil, place the pizza base, and cook them well. Do not overcook them.
  • Now remove them from heat. Apply pizza sauce evenly on the pizza base. Add sliced onion, capsicum, and tomatoes. Add grated cheese on top of them and cook them for 3 minutes in a closed pan.
  • Remove it from the heat and add chilli flakes and oregano. Delicious millet pizza is ready.

Pizza sauce preparation

  • Cook 3-4 whole tomatoes for 5 minutes. Remove the skin and seeds and make it into a puree using a blender.
  • In a hot pan add 2 tsp of oil, chopped garlic, onion sautee them well.
  • Now add pureed tomatoes, chopped basil leaves, chilli powder, oregano, chilli flakes, 1tsp of sugar, and salt as per taste.
  • Cook it for 5 minutes. Quick pizza sauce is ready.



Ragi flour- 1cup

Mushroom- 1 cup

Garlic cloves- 4-5 nos.

Coriander leaves- ½ cup

Butter- 1tbsp

Salt- as per taste

Pepper- as per taste


  • In a bowl add ragi flour and salt. Pour water as per requirement and knead it into a dough. Leave for 10- 15 minutes.
  • Add garlic and fresh coriander leaves into a blender and grind it coarsely. Add a pinch of salt.
  • Add the ground mix to the melted butter and combine it together.
  • Brush the melted butter mix on mushrooms and grill it for a few minutes using a sandwich maker.
  • Meanwhile, roll the ragi dough into thick rotis and cook them well in tawa.
  • Add homemade pizza sauce or hummus on top of the ragi rotis as a spread.
  • Cut mushrooms into big chunks and place them in the ragi rotis.
  • Roll them into wraps and cook for 2 minutes in a sandwich maker or a grill.
  • Healthy and juicy mushroom wrap is ready.



Ragi flour -1 cup

Ripened banana – 2nos.

Dates powder – 2-3 tsp

Salt- ¼ tsp

Baking powder- ¼ tsp

Milk – 1cup

Sliced banana and strawberries- ½ cup


  • In a bowl add ripened bananas, and mash them well.
  • Add ragi flour, dates powder, salt, and baking powder and mix them well.
  • Now add milk at a slower rate and combine them into batter consistency.
  • Brush the hot tawa will oil and pour the batter into small portions. Do not spread them wider.
  • Now close the tawa using a lid and cook them well on both sides.
  • Place banana and strawberry slices on pancakes as toppings.
  • Sweet millet pancake is ready to serve.


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