Celebrated every year on April 23, World Book and Copyright Day or World Book Day is an occasion to promote the joy of books and the art of reading where the date was selected by UNESCO to pay homage to renowned literary figures including William Shakespeare, Miguel Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega and as serial bibliophiles, we too can’t help but celebrate the profound impact that books and reading have on our lives, minds and souls. If you, like us, enjoy the company of books more than the company of humans, you can vouch for the unique ability that the books have to both entertain and teach.

These bundles of ink on paper are not just a means of exploring realms beyond our personal experience through exposure to different authors, universes and cultures but also a means of accessing the deepest recesses of our inner selves. As this Tuesday i.e. World Book Day marks worldwide celebrations to recognise the scope of books as a link between the past and the future, along with being a cultural and generational bridge, check out this list of 30 powerful quotes by renowned authors:
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