
NEW DELHI: Google on Friday marked the International Women’s Day by dedicating a doodle highlighting ‘a group of women sharing wisdom across generations within a quilt embroidered with symbols of progress made over the years.’

Women’s day: What it signifies

Emphasising the contribution of women, the doodle celebrated ‘International Women’s Day and all the progress that has been made towards gender equality.’
The doodle post said, “IWD marches today focus on issues like gender and racial wage gaps, reproductive rights, and the prevention of violence against women.Today, people celebrate women who have transformed society, fought for equality, and set positive examples for people everywhere.”
On this day in 1975, the United Nations celebrated International Women’s Day (IWD) for the first time.


March 8 commemorates two early Women’s Day demonstrations, one in Saint Petersburg, and the other in New York City. While in different years and places, these rallies had common goals of achieving gender equality including fair and safe employment, the right to vote, and the right to hold public office.
The cheerful doodle post said, “The progress made by women over the years would not be possible without the courageous acts of those before them. Here’s to those who paved the way and to those who are carrying the torch further — happy International Women’s Day!”


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