
A healthy start to your day can fuel the mind and the body right. Ayurveda recommends a light and nourishing breakfast including essential nutrients to stay energised and active during the day. Soaked almond is one of the age-old morning foods our ancestors have trusted and not without a reason. As per Ayurveda, almond is the powerhouse of nutrition and plays an important role in balancing doshas, particularly kapha dosha. A Kapha imbalance can cause heaviness, coldness, and dampness, leading to lethargy, congestion and respiratory issues. Having soaked almonds first thing in the morning can help expel kapha and promote vitality and overall health. (Also read | Morning superfoods: 7 amazing dry fruits, seeds, and nuts to lower cholesterol)

Eating almonds along with other lifestyle changes can help balance this dosha and promote overall well-being.(Pinterest)
Eating almonds along with other lifestyle changes can help balance this dosha and promote overall well-being.(Pinterest)

Take the required number of almonds (a handful for each person) in a bowl and add water to it. Let them soak in the water overnight. Remove the peels in the morning and consume them on empty stomach to reap maximum benefits.

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How almonds help balance doshas

An imbalance of Kapha dosha can lead to sluggishness and dullness and can also lead to conditions such as respiratory issues, allergies, and water retention. Eating almonds along with other lifestyle changes can help balance this dosha and promote overall well-being.

“In Ayurveda, the concept of doshas represents the three fundamental energies—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—that govern various physiological and psychological functions within the body. Almonds, with their unique composition, play a crucial role in expelling excess kapha, which is associated with qualities such as heaviness, coldness, and dampness. The unctuous quality of almonds, characterized by their richness in healthy fats and natural oils, proves to be particularly beneficial in pacifying and balancing kapha dosha. By helping to alleviate the accumulated kapha, almonds contribute to a harmonious equilibrium within the body. This balance is essential for optimal health, as an excess of kapha can lead to issues such as lethargy, congestion, and respiratory concerns,” says Ayurveda Expert Dr. Madhumitha Krishnan in an interview with HT Digital.

Almonds can boost immunity and strength

“In ancient texts, it’s said that almonds can increase the vata dosha, which is linked to issues like weight loss, weakness, and not getting enough nourishment. But here’s the thing: almonds can actually help balance out this dosha. They have this special oily quality that helps feed and strengthen all the parts of our body. So, by eating almonds, we can boost our strength and immune system, making us healthier overall,” says Dr Krishnan.

Benefits of almonds for overall health

Almonds are a nutrient powerhouse. They are packed with Vitamin E – associated with skin health and immune function, healthy fats, fibre, and protein, which promote heart health, satiety, and muscle repair. Almonds also provide essential minerals like magnesium and manganese which are crucial for bone strength and energy metabolism.

“The presence of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, provides a holistic approach to overall wellness. Almonds support vital bodily functions, enhance the immune system, and contribute to maintaining a robust metabolism. Incorporating almonds into your diet becomes a natural and effective way to nourish the body from within. Whether enjoyed as a standalone snack, added to smoothies, or sprinkled over salads, almonds offer a versatile and delicious means of promoting health and balance,” adds the Ayurveda expert.

Almonds, the beauty nut

“Almonds play a remarkable role in promoting skin health and radiance. Enriched with essential nutrients such as vitamin E, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids, almonds contribute to nourishing the skin from within. The combination of these nutrients not only helps in maintaining skin elasticity but also protects against oxidative stress, combating the signs of aging. Ayurvedic, Siddha, and Unani texts unanimously acknowledge the ability of almonds to enhance the skin’s natural glow. The inherent properties of almonds provide deep hydration, promoting a supple and luminous complexion. Regular consumption of almonds is believed to address common skin concerns and support a clear and radiant complexion, aligning perfectly with the holistic principles of these ancient healing traditions,” says Dr Krishnan.

Benefits of soaked almonds

Incorporating almonds into your daily routine is a simple yet impactful step towards harnessing their maximum benefits, says the Ayurveda expert.

  • Opting for soaked and skinless almonds is a wise choice, as this preparation method enhances their digestibility and facilitates the optimal absorption of essential nutrients.
  • Soaking almonds not only softens their texture but also activates enzymes that aid in nutrient absorption, making the goodness within them more readily available for your body.


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